>>6301943this one is nice except for the font used, the kerning is horrible and i think something without those curved serifs on the numbers would fit better, but overall still 8/10
>>63019537/10 awesome idea but i think those widgets just above the navbar should be hidden or removed, and maybe use bigger / bolder fonts
>>63020177/10 if you can do it without losing readability, i'd say make the background of the center card visible under the music app and drawer button, also i don't feel like the icons fit the theme
>>63022059/10 i like the idea, only weakness is gotham text is too close to the navbar icons, either move it up on the image if you know how, or make the navbar smaller/lower
>>6302356nice colors, looks functional a solid 8/10
>>6302604clock doesn't fit icons, icons don't fit navbar, 4/10
>>6302878i feel like the head should be centered on the image, right now with it being high and the clock having more visual weight than the drawer button everything feels unbalanced, 8/10 for minimalism tho
>>6303627still 10/10
>>63039678/10, but this is not a 10/10 only because of those ugly dots on the lower left, what do you need them for ?
going for minimal af theme here, black background looks very good on my amoled, f w t is for firefox telegram whatsapp, not using simpler icons in the drawer because i like to keep the originals there (in the drawer) and because with them being the only element on the page it looks clean anyway