Hello there /wg/! Looking good! I could have sword I'd posted here, but maybe it's a new one! Anyways, hope you're all doing swell! Here are my favorites!
>>5423516 :: How did you get ahold of seaweeds vs? Could I get a link maybe? I've always loved it, you are looking so amazing!>>5423558 :: Always one of the best Vibex! So great!>>5423786 :: Glad to not see a cmdfetch! Still is beautiful without it! Better even! Also, you gotta tell me, how did you change the font in the playlist bar of foobar!? I can't find the option anywhere, beautiful as ever vix!>>5423876 :: The buttons on that VS are a little weird, but you are still beautiful none the less Hal!>>5424187 :: You are benis, and benis is good. I like benis a lot.>>5424277 :: Cutest desktop around>>5424620 :: Wow Blondie! It's weird to see your desktop with so many things open! Still great! As suspected! >>5424869 :: Good thing you watched it on one of the best desktops I have ever seen!>>5425490 :: Much better! But turn off bolds in 4chan! It's a big no-no! >>5425726 :: Very nice, even with the weird silly command prompt!>>5425748 :: always so good Lullatone! I love it so so much!>>5426732 :: Always amazing! Why look for a new one all the time!? I haven't changed mine in ages!Gosh, so many good desktops you guys are killing me!