OP here.
So I've had a few days to toy around and I've settled on this. Hopefully you approve.
I'm still looking for a couple of things though: Firstly a clock widget that suits the overall feel better, with lighter and thinner text. I know I create create my own, but I just don't have the time.
Secondly I'm also looking for a wide that replaces Google Calendar's. I don't know if such a thing exists, but the stock one is fucking horrific. The calendar rests full-screen on homescreen to the left.
Lastly, like the previous one, does anyone know of an app that can replace the widget of the Outlook mail app? It sits to the homescreen on the right.
>>6424345I don't know about the clock but he's using the Lines icon pack. There's a free and paid version.
>>6424377I agree with you and have changed it accordingly. Originally (having cone straight from IOS) I was looking for a stock Android look, but it grew old fast. I decluttered everything using the gesture based folders that Nova has, works like a treat.