Stole this setup I think it was from Adrift? Needed something new.
Still looking for a matching Pape so recommend me some!
>>6932113Too soon OP
Also nice setup
>>6932156Too cute
>>6932171I'd say put a bit of spacing between the clock/icons and the photo
Nice work, which icons are these?
>>6932258A little too stock. Get a material style Pape
>>6932287So much screen but nothing going on
Nice icons though
>>6932325If I find a Pape I'll share. But I do like this. Change the Google search icons and get rid of nav bar or theme it.
>>6932354Cute animations senpai I enjoy it. Are you on an amoled device?
>>6932395Stellar animations. The buttons touching the floating window still bother me.
>>6932494Massive potential, need I say more?
>>6932598I'm loving all the animations in these threads. It makes your home screen feel more alive great work anon!