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ITT: Post a wall that really speaks to you or means something to you and explain why you posted it.
The wall I posted means something to me because when I had heard my grandfather died I was pretty torn up inside. I was angry and sad and all I wanted to do was build a ladder to heaven and punch God right in his grandfather stealing ballsack. I decided that the best way to calm down would be to preoccupy my thoughts so I came to /wg/. Then this pic popped up and I saved it and I set it as my background and I just stared at it. I don't know how or why but it calmed me. It filled me with a sense of longing to run away and anxiousness for a journey. The feelings that it filled me with encouraged me to take a walk and free myself from the home that just reminded me of my grandfather (he had lived with my family for 5 years) and it was on that walk that I ran into my current gf and it was because of the emotions that it filled me with that allowed me to express myself to her, calmly and with out sadness (this convo really opened her up and we connected through it). This wallpaper is a great thing to me. I know it's a little faggy but I fucking love this wallpaper. It helped me to let go.