>I had to reinstall ms so I lost all my files, restarting from the beginning of time...>contemplating installing gentoo>mfw I think i can do that>mfw whats a linux>>6120196whatcha makin' witcha html code ?
>>6120219theme is pretty cool, i like it. All matching sort of, looks pretty consitent, one thing id fix is the title of your windows, get rid of them, and youse ahk to get rid of those window icons. asides from that pretty good, 7/10
>>6120409icons make me vomit, other than that the blue window thing is pretty cool curious as to how you went about accomplishing that? other than that its ok ay, 7.0/10
>>6120415get rid of the title on your homepage, make your explorer window smaller, asides from that its okay, nice theme (typical) ... C- , good try m8,.. fucking retard lol
>>6120454homepage is riced and spiced. mp theme is cash af, 8.7/10
>>6120743much python, i admire this, not that consistent, but its not always about minimalism, i liek dis shiat, 8.4856/10
>>6120776Your wp isn't funny, change it.
>>6120817 2/10, go kill yourself.
>>6120817real original there m8, your resolution is disgusting otherwise. lol its nice though, i liek that tiling, 8.8/10; benefit of the doubt never the less.
>>6120955>install gentoo>howd yah do that....9.7/10, well done. your wp isn't top tier yet, but when you find THAT ONE wallpaper, hold onto that shit lol.