>>6771644Naw man, don't apologize, but believe me when I say, I was literally the exact same way, thinking "we were perfect together" dwelling on memories and what not. But while it's good the grieve over this for a short while, just remember the fact that life goes on, don't stop your life for one girl, dust yourself off. Pick yourself back up and work to be better than you were when you were with her. Work out, get hobbies ECT. Make her feel like shit for leaving you, and make her jealous about the fact that she's missing out by not being with you. she'll eventually either try to get back with you, in which case you need to deny her the right to be with you, Or she'll forget about you, but both options are good because you will have improved yourself both mentally, and physically to be superior to her (if that makes sense). That's why sometimes guys look pathetic when they get broken up, it's because the girl starts to do things that make the men jealous! but ultimately, Relationships are a mental game, and in order to win. You need to make the other fall.
But before you do all that, take time to recover, break ups are hard, and you can easily make mistakes immediately after one, so take a couple days, and try to get back into the mindset of a single man, it's very difficult to do initially (at least for me because I felt like I was cheating on her). But you need to get into that mindset in order to make normal decisions
By the way, why'd you two break up, what was the excuse?