>>5956116I think you have absolutely achievable dreams anon. I love the idea of being a writer, I can understand what draws you to it. I think you should just keep chipping away at it, sometimes it's hard to care all the time and that's okay. We're not super human with the ability to operate at 100% all the time. Glad to hear life is going well for you though.
>>5956389Well you have to start somewhere and getting the online degree is a great start, then if you feel you want to get the extra year in a university then you can always go back and do that too. I know what you mean, it's hard to explore the world you already know but if you immerse yourself in something different you have no choice but to explore. Wish I could travel with you anon, I would really love to get out and see the world.
>>5956391Socializing isn't something that comes natural to everyone. It takes a little practice and quite a bit of failure to get it right. I have my days where I feel like nothing coherent is coming out to the people around me. Don't let that experience discourage you and keep you from making friends.