I hate how bad my icons look in screenshots, while on my actual phone, everything looks really sharp.
>>5964900>anime/10>>5964943>5/10ugly color combo
>>5964991>6/10I hate that widget, looks completely shit, nice wp tho
>>5965000>8/10cool wp, cool widget, cool icons. too bad about the taskbar and not keeping it completely white
>>5965061>4/10nice try, it's really creative, I like that a lot.
the icons and font are really ugly tho. it just doesn't add up
>>5965073>clutter/10>>5965084>headache/10>>5965107>(9)/10i lol'd, really funny, but not that nice-looking
>>5966066>7/10ugly font for clock
>>5966166>0,5/10holy shit
>>5966419>9,5/10>>5966601>7/10I always cringe when I see people having chicks on their phone bg, how desperate do people think you are when they look at your phone?
>>5966604>3/10low quality bait
>>5966709>toomuch/10>>5966789>9/10really cool! it's different and it works. don't like the colors tho