Some words to my setup first. CrunchBang with multiple xfce4-panels, the remains of a tint2-panel (basically just the tray and clock/date) and OpenBox. Upper taskbar shows all windows on the active workspace, lower taskbar shows all windows from all workspaces. Focused more on usability than looks, I want a system that is proefficient to use. No hate because of the wallpaper, it's just for fun. Going to rate from the bottom upwards.
>>5797578nice! don't like the colors that much, but it's nicely done. 7/10
>>5797563Hello fellow CrunchBanger! Way too bright for my taste, otherwise very good! 8/10
>>5797338sorry m8, doesn't work. 3/10
>>5797289way too default - and the dock doesn't fit at all. 3/10
>>5797156hum... giant clock, weird dock. i'm assuming you're auto-hiding the taskbar because it's default? 3/10
>>5797149default. 0/10
>>5797120/g/eneric ricer desktop. try something unique rather than trying to build something that's already been done a gazillion times. 3/10
>>5797092boring... sorry. 3/10
>>5797009boring as well. minus 1 point because "hurr, i'm a hacker". 1/10
>>5797007i don't even... 3/10 (because at least you tried)
>>5796899hum... dunno what to say. 4/10 (i guess)
>>5796814not bad! like it! 7/10
>>5796811pretty default... 3/10
>>5796790blue. blue. blue. blue/10
>>5796570dear lord, you really work with a setup like this? 2/10
>>5796543doesn't strike me... 3/10
>>5796505that's just a wallpaper. can't rate. -/10
>>5796415like the colors. but there's nothing to see beside a riced browser and a terminal. i assume there's everything on autohide? can't rate. -/10
>>5796382again, nothing to see. but it has potential. -/10
>>5796362light-grey font on bright-grey taskbar? yeah... no. 3/10
>>5795992really pretty cool for a windows-setup. don't like the font though. 6/10
>>5795978pretty nice! like it! 8/10