It's been a long time since I post in this board.
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Others rates:
>>6354611 - I like the wallpaper, but that clock widget seems so misplaced - 6/10>>6354660 - 8/10>>6354839 - I'll give you the maximum because I'm always amazed of what you can do with a jailbroken iPhone - 10/10>>6354871 - mind to share wallpaper? - 6/10>>6355034 I - would turn that white text to black - 7/10>>6355127 - 8/10>>6355210 - 7.5/10>>6355420 - 7/10>>6355644 - 7/10>>6355655 - 8/10>>6356323 - I don't know. Icons and clock would be nicer if centerd - 7/10>>6356521 (same for all 3 screens) - 7/10>>6357173 - 9/10>>6357530 - 7.5/10>>6357760 - 8.5/10