>>6811257>the opposite cant be said thoOh I could think of quite a few examples. But there is a high level of socialism rooted in
Governments around the world. Lets turn that question around. How are those
Socialist countries working out? Hows that extreme poverty working for you? The boats
made of garbage to escape them? Those forced open borders and those socialist home
sharing policies are quite the thing aren't they? Don't you want to share your home
with foreign strangers who's beliefs work counter to your own? Why aren't you doing that
right now? Keep your third world ideology rooted in jewish equality to yourself.
And speaking of Communism I can't help but notice the picture you used. That seems to be the
most common photo used as a socialist victory ideal. Given some variation on the theme involving
dead Germans and a bomb shattered Berlin. Notice the stolen watches. The horror documentary's
of Russian rapes. The human wave assaults, and if you valued your life and tried to turn around
you were killed by your own men. Or rather Jewish men of the NKVD. The conceptual idea of
forced recruitment or you were shot on the spot and treated as a traitor to the motherland. A slave
army of malnourished peasants forced by threat of death to fight for a Genocidal Stalin and propa'd up
as a courageous feat of patriotism. Those are some fucking ideals you have there. Boy that just reeks
of victory.
Oh and a desktop to contribute.