>>6246750Really nice for a WP.
>>6246751A little cluttered, but if thats your style...
>>6246755Really not my style. To me its godafwul, but if you like it.
>>6246787Hide status bar, new icons, find a nice clock, done
>>6246809I like the side app drawer thing
>>6246855How about nicer icons?
>>6246859Clock is too big. Love the colour scheme
>>6247106 Nice colours. Nice icons. Nice clock. Great overall.
>>6247118Theyre quite big...
>>6247132Nailed it
>>6247152Nailed it again
>>6247163Background is really cluttered
>>6247251Choose a few backgrounds a set a rotation. That be even cooler.
>>6247338Remove the app drawer icon an set a gesture instead.
Now rate and criticise me