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i feel bad my experience is lesser than all of the other anons but it is similar, i lost a (almost) two year relationship at the start of the year, with the girl i lost my virginity to, no warning signs or decline in the relationship, at least on my end, she just invited me over one night and dumped me, then immediately blocked me on everything. i was feeling many things anons here have mentioned, i was distraught, desperate, abandoned, hurt, etc. i begged for her back, would contact her anyway i could, showed up to her house a few times which only made things worse. suffice to say i completely embarrassed and made a fool of myself. but, everyone plays the fool sometimes, the feelings you, i, and many others in this thread felt, are feelings almost every human to ever live has felt. heartbreak and loss are part of the human condition. you just have to let those feelings come, and go. nothing specifically made me feel better, just one day something clicked in my brain that it was over and i had to let go. like the vocaroo anon said, its like jumping into the cold water in the pool, once you accept things, you don't feel so cold. time will heal your wounds, improve yourself anyway you can, don't self destruct, do things you enjoy or used to enjoy even if they feel meaningless right now. one day things will click for you and all of a sudden it won't be so bad. you'll move on and find another girl to love, and even eventually be glad that things happened the way they did. stay strong frens