I think its okay to post this here. I already tried /r/ (
http://boards.4chan.org/r/res/12073991) to no avail. No, I don't know how to link posts across boards.
I know that I've only tried requesting today, but it is pretty disheartening to see your request be drowned out by ton of porn requests.
Copypasting what I originally posted,
>Okay, so I reverse image searched for this and was surprised that no results came up. I've tried lurking through the usual means and it seems that there really are no wallpapers of this particular screencap.>I was hoping that someone here would like to take the challenge of turning this pretty lame, low quality image and turning it into a decent wallpaper.>I have no shopping skills of my own (all I've ever used is MS Paint), but I really like this show, and this cap is probably one of its best moments.>I know its asking for a lot, but this is really all I can think of to making it happen, short of teaching myself to shop like a pro and doing it myself.If any of you modifiers happen to be a fan of the show, surely you could see why this would be a worthwhile effort.