These are my three screens at the moment. Home screen is the middle one.
>>62691065/5. Ohhh shit. This is nice. Not enough function for me personally, but it looks amazing, and so simple.
>>62688305/5. Love it lmao.
>>62688232/5. It's a good start, much better than most. Get rid of that Google widget, and get a bit more creative. Also, the icons match the colour, but the shapes dont fit the wallpaper in my opinion.
>>62688193/5. I dont think the icons match the wallpaper. Care to post your wallpaper though?
>>62687292/5. Folders? No please. Too much like stock. Id have given you 1/5 if you were using such icons.
>>62684654/5. Nice. I'd clean up the notification bar though.
>>62683074/5. Not bad.