This what spending hours on klwp looks like. I'm sick of it now and just keep it simple. my app drawer sucks though because of inconsistent theme.
>>7744673nice but positioning and sizing is a little off
>>7744664Very nice, basically perfect. I used to do the little circle thing for apps too because i hated every icon pack.
>>7744537too cluttered
>>7744257why do you have 2 clocks
>>7743947too cluttered. why do you have 2 clocks, why do you have borders around some stuff but not others. make your own widgets with klwp or kwgt.
>>77437305/10. Perfectly average
>>7742855needs more consistency
>>7742427would be perfect if it wasnt for oversized icons
>>7740876very nice, text a bit too close to the edge of the box though.
>>7739780almost perfect, the text is a little hard to read on the wallpaper
>>7739770bad font, get rid of the border, the icons and font do go well together
>>7739683find a better font, remove the shadows on the text, put them a bit closer together, move the icons up a bit.
>>7739657i dont know where to start. Look at some of the themes posted here and start from scratch.
>>7739271icons arent consistent enough and doesnt suit the wallpaper
>>7738453get rid of your status bar on the top as you have the time twice
>>7738313very nice, id find a better font though