In action heres my adrift knock off lmao
>>6550265neat fast car
>>6550190gb2 norway
>>6550186It has the potential to be neat but it's missing oh so much
>>6550157neat amoled
>>6550153firewatch walls are shitty and hackneyed
>>6550123black metal
>>6550112shit wallpaper, boring layout
>>6550056gozirra neat concept though
>>6550674pretty good for iOS
>>6550681my homescreen is animated
>>6550726it's pretty solid, but at the same time it's rather boring
>>6550832really digging this, I would replace the top bar with something a bit more minimal
>>6550850kinda chaotic but with some work it could be really neat
>>6550972lmao read the op
>>6551081neat, it could use a clock
>>6551140like the other anon said make the clock move along with the draws in klwp, also consider a different font
>>6551745so shit its good
>>6551873solid, I stole the color fill idea from that design too
>>6551890I'm not very lucky desu...
>>6551985this could be really nice but it need am original music widget that follow the style of the clock
>>6552103cool but I don't like the clock shadow
>>6552111solid, but the info in the box on the third page is rather cluttered, also I'm not sure how the apps correspond to the information in the circle
>>6552343fairly solid, you should do some more work anon!~
>>6552140still solid for the limitations of iOS
rate my shit up