>>7101768love that color and font, looks great
>>7101803looks a bit empty but the icons/paper really work
>>7101805ive probably rated before but this is just insanely impressive
>>7101818cant decide if im into the statusbar or not, but everything else looks nice
>>7101824looks like ios, always happy to see those here. Look into apps like Boxy 3 to create different layouts for your icons. it makes it much easier to make setups where the icons arent completely blocking your pape
>>7101828always a top tier one
>>7101909christ i love how in depth this one is, looks great to play around with colors/papes on too. nice job
>>7102107the widgets really hurt this one, especially the circular battery one. keep working on it and look for things that'll jive with the rest of the pape
>>7102124love everything but the top left, takes up a bit too much space for something that's not that important. other than that this one is great
>>7102129stock but i do think the icons and pape could work together
>>7102189looks great, im always into the words as icons thing, and you went the extra step to put in some different colors. works really well altogether
>>7102229not bad, i like the pape and the widget you've got going, but not necessarily together. i'd say try to make the colors more cohesive and work on the widget to be more legible. but its a pretty good start
>>7102305pretty unique anon, i like it. my only issue is the music player, looks out of place. and the clock may be a bit big, but it looks difficult to fit things with that pape
>>7102472love what you've got going on on the top left. not much else i can say about this one
Here's a quick setup I made today to celebrate finally being jailbroken after like 7 fucking months. It feels good to be able to get back into this