>>7865610>>7865610Sad to hear your story, anon. I commend you for being brave and voicing out your troubles, anonymously as it might be, it still takes strength, courage and moral virtue to come to grips with what has happened to you. Take solace in the fact that through your life and your future deeds, the people you love and the lessons they passed onto you will live on, forever embodied in the pattern of your life. For what it's worth life is a short game, and in the grand scheme of things even the remainder of your life is a brief blip, and all of us are pretty much condemned to spend most of our short blip's alone, be it physically or mentally.
Sadly, there is no getting around the fact that death comes for us all, and though you may never get to embrace your parents once again, they are, in a sense, alive within you. Remember them, cherish the times you shared in this brief moment we're given, and do good on their name and in their memory.
I leave you with the dying words of the great Seneca.
"Being forbidden to show gratitude for your services, I leave you my one remaining possession, and my best: the pattern of my life. If you remember it, your devoted friendship will be rewarded by a name for virtuous accomplishments”4T4YG