Kinda weird setup. Not sure if ill stick with it.
Will post webm aswell
>>6396364Pretty cool. Everything fits perfectly. No complaints. No luck delaying the album art?
How did you make the notification counter?
>>6396359Solid design although I'd add some things to make it more functional. Maybe more icons or music. The wallpaper is really overwhelming your screen.
>>6396340Remove the search bar and if you want the notification bar aswell. Get a clock and make your music widget pop out more. Either add a black background to it or remove it from behind the icons.
Also try other icons that might fit your overall setup better. (washed out colour)
>>6396334I suggest you rate if you wish to be rated.
>>639621110/10 simple, clean and efficient. Not too fond of the colour but if it works for you.
What icons are you using?