>Tfw too autistic to make a new rice>>6832844I like black and white too fampai
>>6832845Why the two different icon packs? Don't like it desu
>>6832856But anon I hate Ricing nice setup tho not a fan of material design tho
>>6832858Icons at bottom don't fit in at all
>>6832865Too much going on in the pape to work with imo
>>6832879A shit desu
>>6832884Like this one a lot more
>>6832902Add a clock or something the one in the corner is hard to see
>>6832936Okay for not KLWP rice not fan of the battery indicator tho
>>6832937Wew anon at least the op is unique and wouldn't take 5 mins or so to recreate
>>6832957I like it anon but the battery bar separating the time and day is ugly imo
>>6833012Comfy but would separate icons more
>>6833050Clean af but not much here
>>6833354Nothing much besides change how status bar, navigation bar, lockscreen, etc look but I don't do much of that myself
>>6833491I really like how the icons packs sticks out yet matches either the background
>>6833516That background and icon pack do not match at all anon
>>6833581Implying having a status bar is bad.