>>7328254very basic.
for Icon pack I am really liking delta they have that good matte style color
>>7327921dark souls of homescreens. but seriously its okay, and clean but not really ricey
>>7327477hoooooly shit dude how do you guys even come up with these stuff. its amazing. must have took lot of effort
>>7326608the color scheme and cleanliness and everything looks quite cool but the quote in middle look out of place and looks stuffed, I have a feeling placement of objects on that screen can be a hard task so keep mix and mashing. for instance if I had that screen I would remove that quote and put mask a little up but you don't have to do that do that because that's just one possibility that I could be experimented. do what's cool
>>7326477smol icons and hating the navbar
>>7326106very simple. but its also cool that you took care of annoying shit like navbar, I fucking hate navbar it always look out of place.
>>7326012quite cool but boring font
>>7325162very cute and also good
how is it my dudes