The ones I liked (a lot):
>>7059283Very solid, can't really thing of any improvements
>>7059344I love how good this looks
>>7063327Even though it's technically nothing special, I liked the simplicity (even though it would have been better without navigation bar), expecially for that wall. Unusual, for a phone.
>>7061746So grey, but so good
The ones I liked, but I wish something was changed:
>>7059309Errhhh those animations just don't click on me. I think they're a bit messy. Otherwise, cool work.
>>7059310Not bad for a first attempt, but I'd also suggest you to follow anons' suggestions
>>7059343This has potential, but get rid of the status bar and change the font ASAP
>>7059362The concept is indeed really cool, but it's really too simple imho. I personally wouldn't be able to stare at that almost totally white home for too much, but it's up to you
>>7059417Uhmmmm that green... And I don't like too much that don't too. But it's not bad
>>7059418Nice but get rid of the status bar, pleeeease
>>7059425I would like it a lot if there was no Pepe
>>7060267I'd change the font. Not bad overall
>>7060557Just put that bottom text upper. Nice work otherwise
>>7062561I think text fields are too close to each other
>>7062910Just put something like an invisible folder. It looks pretty nice, but the lack of icons quite destabilise me a bit
So, here's my setup. I'll attach webm ASAP as a reply to this. I used KLWP. The wall is from Monument Valley 2, but I edited it putting a gradient on the background. Let me know what you think about it