Could you take the Star Brigade logo off of this (with or without the shadowing behind it, whichever looks best or is just easier) and slap it on top of a similar looking "outer space" style background? Here's one you could use (or not): possible, enlarge it proportionately to the background and try to center it.
Also, try to keep the comet intact. You'll have to extend the tail a bit and taper it off eventually, but that hopefully shouldn't be too hard.
Or if you're REALLY up to it you could try to use this pic:'d have to touch up the letters though as some of them are heavily damaged. If you use the larger logo then you're probably going to need a larger background as well. Or you could just double the size of the other one. And also try to enlarge it proportionately and center it.
Apologies if this is an overly elaborate request, but I figured it was worth asking.