Here's mine.
>>54709839/10 Love how the skins go with the theme of the wallpaper, just rid of your taskbar or hide it
>>54711566/10 Do you have a little baby monitor or something? Like the WP, but why have icons when you already have rainmeter installed? And hide that taskbar, makes the WP look tacky
>>54711679/10 Damn love the painted feel of that picture, and the tiny taskbars that don't get in the way
>>54711817/10 Really plain, and not even in a minimalist fashion, your first monitor WP needs.... SOMETHING
>>547118510/10/10/10 Dude's "Straight Shotacon" folder alone is bigger than my entire digital movie library
>>54711906/10 Cool WP, get your widgets/attachments/whatever to work so you can make it pop
>>54721149/10 Funky. I don't even know what's going on there. As long as you got shortcuts to your favorite stuff
>>54722064/10 Reminds me of Windows 95
>>54722379/10 Minimalism done right. Love it