>>5639105like the vs, but i feel the character in your wall is too pixelated. Also no 4chan css, 7/10
>>5639150no css, and youre making me hungry for raspberries. Also the windows and VS seem inconsistent 6/10
>>5639168I would personally use a sharper wall but otherwise 10/10
>>5639186yuck, rainmeter. Good effort though 6/10
>>5639203so much spesss. Like the right desktop, left is just a bunch of rainmeter 7/10
>>5639212Yeah get that foobar taken care of. Looks fucking awesome, however bbLean is a little thin for my liking 9/10
>>5639230its darker than dark, and the borders being red on only two sides is really off putting. If you do a red border do it all the way around imo. 6/10 Fix those colors otherwise good
>>5639326fucking 15/10 fucking jelly
>>5639328With that wall i really like the rainmeter usage. 8/10
>>5639371>those icons>that styleseriously top tier right here. Only complaint is that I'm not a huge fan of having animu characters but I see yours is pretty comical. And yes, SKINNY NIGGA BUT MY DICK LONG 10/10
>>5639375the best ones are probably ones you make yourself if you're good at design. Hell everything looks better when its homemade. but thats just my opinion. I like what you have going on so far though.
>>5639408the sticky!
nanami-tan.info>>5639419Never liked rainmeter. 6/10
>>5639462looks good, that steam icon looks rather odd, but in terms of customization, fuck steam. 9/10
>>5639492dat color scheme 10/10