Wallpaper slightly updated from last thread.
Rates please.
Is the font good? Any details that need working on?
>>6803426 7/10What program are you using for this? I've seen this setup a lot now. Is it KLWP? Anyways, contrast on some apps looks meh, the music controls and that orange thingy on the right really kills it a bit.
>>6803428 8.5/10Its really really good. Not my kinda style but I see it working. I also think you'd do better with other animations for the right dock icon so it can fit the rest. Consider looking for a more pixelated font too.
>>6803461 8.5/10I like the concept. What does the left pager do, though? Is it still WIP? Also try to make animations match each other. The apps on the middle page seem to open and close differently than their container. This is especially notorious when they are closing,. Maybe have the order invert when they close?
>>6803483 6/10The iconpack design goes well but the colors do not. You'd need to have darker bits on the bottom part of the pape too. Consider changing pape to some other autumnal looking one.
>>6803493 8.5/10It looks fine. The navigation bar buttons look out of style with the rest though, should have no shadows. And well, not my style overall but it works I guess.
>>6803636>>6803661 6.5/10I really like the direction this is taking. You can make it a lot better. Hide your taskbar so you don't get two clocks. Second, get a nice iconpack that goes with the rest. I recommend using Iconstructor and using icons with a fill and stroke that go well with the rest of the colours. Also the app drawer button is completely out of style, unless you can change it get rid of it. I see this working but it needs a bunch of changes.
>>6803512I dunno man, want my .klwp file?