>>5483208i fully agree with this
I'm no forester/hippy/naturefreak but let me explain to you why I picked this one.
>Why does this image speaks to me:Hard to discribe this one with words, its all so obvious and for sure, i drop a wrapper in nature every now and then, but if we dont change the way we life right now, the world will change even worse than we predict.
>Additional info: Saw some television about nature environments in my neighborhood and they showed what one rare plant could turn the place around. It works like one giant chainreaction. IF we change nature this drastic, we unbalance it too much and nature becomes unstable which ends in a chain reaction. I didn't watch the whole thing, sadly, because i ran out of time.
>Chain reaction:Only a handful of uncommon flowers. A specific butterfly lays eggs and only those caterpillers eat the flower (incl. plant). After dinner the caterpillers just let go of the remains of the flower stem. They excrete some kind of sweet liquid which is almost the same as ant larves do. The caterpillers wait till ants take them into their nest and look after them because the ants can have the sugars. After winter the caterpillers pupate and there they go again. The ants and butterflys get eaten by birds and so the program continued.
TL; DR; Today is purple and cabbage is monday