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let me tell you about a dream i had some years ago.
im pretty sure i died in my dream once. i mean as the person that i really am.
then i woke up again. i didnt felt like -oh hey, here we go again, im still alive-,
it was more like it didnt matter who i was before or which memories i collected.
i woke up again lying on a field on a gigantic plain. very rare small bushes were
in sight. the soil was brown and besides the few bushes nothing was growing there.
there were no roads, rivers or anything else. even the sky seems to be a constant
summertime 8 o`clock pm and there was always kind of a beginning sunset. nothing
to hear and no wind.
then time skipped somehow and i was part of a group of people working on one of
these fields. nobody ever talked. we all looked after a levitating machine which sort
of reminded me of a tank but had no visible purpose. all i can remember is many
ventilation slots. theses machines - i saw others in the distance - were moving slowly
and somehow ploughed the soil without touching it. im not more sure but i think behind
the machine the soil looked like this /\/\/\/\/\ but in a smaller scale than normal. but
nothing was growing. nowhere.
the work was dangerous also but nobody cared because everyone died before. workers
came and sometimes died (a second time) but i cannot remember how they left.
but here my memories are ending and i dont want to distort the dream. i never had such
a vivid dream before and after this one. i never again felt such strong emotions, which
in retrospective view seem to be totally antithetical. i guess a part of me is afraid of the idea
this was real and a other part of me wants to be back there.
id love to post a pic that is somehow related to my scene but i have none. at least my pic
shows the light and color of my dream on the right side.