Okay still working on it, made some changes. Tried tweaking the animation a bit, maybe it looks a little better?
For the record I'm trying to copy the circle-into-a-rectangle animation stock Android uses for like the app drawer and stuff.
I also added a small settings dock, night mode is definitely a work in progress I know it looks pretty rough.
Also please ignore the top bar and bottom buttons I'll get to those later.
Any more suggestions?
>>7341222Usually super bold setups like this end up looking very clunky but you've a avoided that with a very nice layout and consistent style. The black text on the left feels a little awkward with how small it is, but everything else looks nice, 7/10.
>>7341380Now I love it even more.
>>7342115It's hard to critique setups this minimal because you basically just have to take it at face value and evaluate it's aesthetics, not much room for technical achievement or ingenuity. Overall, I like it, the font and background pairing is nice and the layout is consistent. At first I'd think to suggest darkening up the backround, but I then you'd loose that rustic feel and it'd end up a bit inauthentic... Anyways yeah, v nice, 8/10
>>7342848I love it. Very nice pairing of fonts, consistent and interesting style, and layout feels very natural. The bottom right feels a little awkward and empty, but I'm only saying that to say anything at all, it really is a very nice setup and you're fine changing nothing. 9/10