My mother had either NPD or BPD, though she acts more like NPD. I've gone no contact with her, 5 years running, and doing great in therapy. Most people don't even know I have issues because I carry myself so well now.
She liked to date violent men, and would often unleash them on me when they were angry so she didn't get hit herself. She did everything in the link I will provide, give or take a few details or how she went about it. Her extreme negligence led to a pedophile preying on me for years, but he has since been locked up. Of course she made that whole thing all about herself too, and I think she knew what was happening because he would give her money all the time. She stole thousands from me and said I was just imagining things. She beat me bloody numerous times, but that was only when she didn't have a boyfriend to do it. She ruined the relationship between me and my father because if she couldn't have them then I couldn't either. I don't think I will ever be able to salvage it completely. She tried to fuck young men I was interested in and would make me strip naked so she could inspect my body and insult me for any perceived flaws, which were often her own. She would force me to do diets she was doing, or get my hair cut like hers, or anything like that. I had to be her mirror, and if she didn't like the image she was allowed to shatter me in any way she saw fit. I turned to drugs for a bit but stopped after a year because it only made some problems worse. Tried suicide once, and it ended up being a good thing in the end because I was able to start getting help afterwards. My grandparents did what they could but my mother would always play keep away with them to hurt all of us. I never want to see or talk to her again and quite frankly I hope one of her fucked up boyfriends beats her to death. I wouldn't really want that if she would just leave me alone, but she has tried to stalk me a few times.