I am by no means an expert, my B/W color scheme is proof toward this, so take my comments as such.
>>61523396/10 - Neat icons, neat wallpaper, but putting them together would make it difficult to look perfect, I'd think? I haven't used Nova in a while, though maybe look for a setting which increases the number of rows/columns on the home screen; that's what I've done with Dodol and it makes it much easier to place icons anywhere. No experience with LSwipe, but yeah, seems a little unorganized.
>>61520508/10 - Very pleasant colors and such, and the filmstrip is a cool idea.
>>61520498/10 - Like the text for the Home, the abbreviation is annoying though, haha. The two wallpapers are nice, colorwise. The Lock's text is pretty bulky, though.
>>61519059/10??? - Super clean, lovely, not my choice of secondary background, but it works!
That's all, my inexperienced fingers are through.