What's with all the shitposting in this thread? Jesus.
Here's my setup, I added a widget at my homescreen but I still am kinda bothered by it, still looking for the perfect one.
>>6721047Very fancy, 8.5/10
>>6720898No clock, no battery, no nothing? I suggest a widget.
>>6720822Why is your wallpaper 3d?
>>6720802Don't like your clock, rest is ok.
>>6720167Very nice, but why song playing twice? 8/10
>>6719887Love it, even though I'm not into the vaporwave meme. Your icons clash, but it's probably a chore to do everything. 8/10
>>6719703I'd remove the second block and maybe add some art. 6/10.
>>6718855I LOVE your wallpaper, but I hate your line of icons bundled up at the middle. Just make a folder or launcher or whatever.
>>6718739You need a widget famalam.
>>6718727Ok but I hate the green.