Changed it a bit thoughts?
>>6656841Looks nice flows nicely with the minimal design. 10/10
>>6656842Ah, I see now looks way better 10/10
>>6656853See if you can make the app drawer icon smaller and maybe change the font? 8/10
>>6657404Would use more than one thing for apps 7/10
>>6656875Can't say anything had about this 10/10
>>6656887Not a fan of the font otherwise 9/10
>>6656932Meme box, not a fan of the font, and see if you can remove the box when you have the apps over it. 8/10
>>6656961Wew 10/10
>>6657015Is that goblin slayer? Also would change the icon pack and make the red in the clock something else. 6/10
>>6657786Really not a fan of the font, but whatever. Also I can't seem to get the cover art to to hide when music isn't playing. Also 9/10
>>6657984Shit, always likes this design but too lewd 10/10
>>6658689Change font. 8/10
>>6659521That's cool brother would make the text a little smaller tho not a fan of the pic tho but whatever 7/10 also under shape there should be an option called "corners that make it round.