Please rate mine. Also: does anyone know how to remove that blue-ish block at the bottom?
>>5952566Nice icons, but don't match the background. 6/10
>>5952567Too busy 5/10
>>5952568Don't like the way the icons are used, but that's just my taste.
>>5952622Nice background. Simple and nice homescreen. Would bang. 7/10
>>5952625Really like this one. Minimalistic, little colour, Nice layout. 9/10
>>5952644Also pretty nice. Simplistic and neat. 8/10
>>5952659Just meh. 5/10
>>5952676No. Too busy and incoherent. 3/10
>>5952679Great background. Get a different clock and remove the musicplayer. 6/10
>>5952687Your inb4 says it all. 5/10 to my taste
>>5952718Liking this one. Yet I would add at least a few icons for quick use. 7/10
>>5952722Don't like the way the clock widget matches the background. Colour of the icons could also be a bit darker, or maybe transparent.. 5/10
>>5952726Don't really like the icons, but the do match the background nicely. Not my taste, but good setup 7/10
>>5952728Also, your appdrawer looks awesome
>>5952813Haha, it says sex right beneath the clock 10/10
>>5952826Nice background. I would hide the notification bar and just use it on your lockscreen. 7/10
>>5952928Not really my taste. Nothing special if you ask me. 5/10
>>5952936Nice icons. Hate the background though. 5/10
>>5952975Ugly icons. 4/10
>>5953092Like it. 8/10
>>5953132Nicely put together. Yet maybe a tad too busy. 8/10
>>5953156Nice. Maybe a set of different icons. These aren't perfect for the rest. 8/10
>>5953212Don't really like the icons with that background 6/10
>>5953248Too busy and nothing really matches. 2/10
>>5953411Slick. 7/10
>>5953437Nice. 7/10
>>5953462Hehe, butt. 7/10
>>5953494Like. 8/10
>>5953502Date and icons don't really match the background. The clock is okay. 6/10
>>5953557Looks nice. But maybe a more grungy looking clock? 7/10
>>5953585Like the simplicity. Where did you get that musicplayer? 7/10