>>5893758looks good, all that space in your 4chan would annoy the shit out of me. beautiful colors and i like the fonts
>>5893528SSB muh nigga
4chan font is kind of hard to read. do you use mactype or gdipp? colors are alright
>>5893271move the rainmeter so that it doesn't get blocked by the taskbar. the triangle one looks nice usually but some of that might be a bit of overkill. nice icon pack. dont like the 4chan at all, colors are a bit nasty to me. remove the extra clock in the taskbar
>>5893049stock, not much to rate.
>>5892996really cluttered, remove the rainmeter and those icons (at least make them smaller). bg is kind of ruined by all of the anime in front and it seems low res.
>>5892563love the startpage. nice bg, and great 4chan. colors are amazing all around
>>5892357nice startpage, foobar needs some work. try to coordinate the SBT3 with your overall color scheme. remove the rainmeter, it's unnecessary. get an icon pack for your taskbar as well.
>>5892344foobar is alright. that blue/green are nasty and i don't like the fonts either.
>>5892099colors are a bit too saturated for that gray imo. foobar needs some work as well, it's p stock. maybe try to use some of the yellow from your bg.
>>5891951very stock, rainmeter clutters it. also that resolution wut
rate mine please