>>7683640scared for my brother's safety.
i cant get the image of him out of my mind, lying on the floor, unconscious, wide bloodshot eyes staring a mile off into the bathroom ceiling as it took 30 seconds of me shaking him and repeating his name to get him up. he couldnt even form a coherent sentence. i brought him to go to sleep. i couldnt even sleep last night. hes my only friend. i dont know how i would last without him. i think he's doing better, ill let him continue to sleep for now.
fuck alcohol. im throwing all the shit out. hes never touching it again, nor am i. maybe im overreacting to someone simply blacking out on alcohol, i doubt it's uncommon, but fuck his face haunts me. i thought he fell and hit his head. or OD'd on something. i literally thought he was dead. im scared.
fuck i was supposed to get some work done today but i cant even focus on that. im taking the day off.