>>7520667I can't understand what's going on there
>>7520690Clean. The bottom withe line, strangely, doesn't look terrible.
>>7520864Nice icon pack, but the bottom arrow ruins the look imo.
>>7520922Not bad.
>>7521022I find KLWP overrated. It looks ok.
>>7521201*clap clap*
>>7521246Solid homescreen, but the icons on the bottom are too colorful imo.
>>7521372Not terrible. I suggest removing the arrow and line on the bottom.
>>7521394Very nice.
>>7521591Is that one on the left a circular battery progression bar? The overall look is nice, the navigation buttons should be removed.
>>7521686Decent icon pack, remove nav buttons.
> double wireless iconew
>>7522129best ITT right now imo