>Because A is pissed at me we avoid each other as much as possible>Things get even more awkward>She keeps dating that cuck>He hates me>The feeling is mutual>I call my parents and ask to go home earlier>They make all the arrangements>I tell A's mum, but don't tell A>I plan to leave without telling her or saying goodbye>A few days before my flight her dickwad boyfriend picks a fight with me>I get a black eye>A doesn't even apologise, saying I probably started it>A few days go by>On the day of my flight we have a fight>I confess>She flips out>Tells me to go fuck myself>She storms out>Her mum takes me to the airport>Says she's sorry about the way A's been>Says she doesn't like dickwad either>Says she can't actually do anything about it because that'd only make things worse>I go back to Brazil>A tries to text me>I ignore all of them>I spent the rest of my school break wallowing in self pity>School starts again>I meet a girl at the semester orientation, she can speak fluent English (Let's call her E)>We start occasionally talking>We become friends>She's fun to be around>feelsnoice.jpg>Two months later my birthday comes around>I get a text from A wishing me a happy birthday>Makes me feel like shit>I don't reply>I get a call from A's mum>I answer>It's actually A's mum on the phone>She wishes me a happy birthday too>I actually cry>I'm not in the mood to celebrate anything>E shows up at my house>Forces me to go out with her>Says she knows it's my birthday>I give in>We go to the cinema>We buy our tickets>We watch the film>We go back to my house>My room>E asks me why I've been depressed since we met>I end up telling her everything>She just listens>When I'm finished she tells me she likes me>She kisses me>We end up having sex>It was her first time>In the morning I fell better than I have in monthsPic unrelated, tbc
University's been keeping me busy, that's why I disappeared.