We didn't even reach 100 posts edition.
>What are startpages?Startpages (in the context of this thread) are locally hosted webpages (as in, the files are on your computer - not a server somewhere) that serve as the homepage or new tab page for a browser. They generally contain some number of links to frequently visited sites as the main element; search bars, clocks, calendars and other embedded items are usually added as secondary elements.
>What browser are you using?If you can't tell what browser it is, it's probably Firefox, you can theme Firefox using Stylish and finding themes on the Firefox tag of Userstyles.
Otherwise if you won't upgrade there's always Chrome, you can ~slightly~ customize it using Chrome Theme Maker. Lately, we noticed Vivaldi can can have custom css too.
>http://pastebin.com/PdPrW5aP---Discord link---
>https://discord.gg/ExAGgVR---Relevant Sites---
Collection of startpages for modification and use.
>http://startpages.github.io/>https://www.ricing.chloechantelle.com/>http://nanami-tan.info/#HTMLPage>http://pastebin.com/ZJvDn0eN--HTML, CSS & JS--
>http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp>http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp>http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp>https://www.codecademy.com/learn/make-a-website>https://www.codecademy.com/learn/javascript---Colours Related Links---
>http://palettegenerator.com/>https://webgradients.com/>https://www.gradient-animator.com/---Colours Converter---
>http://www.javascripter.net/faq/rgbtohex.htmHEX to RGB
>http://www.javascripter.net/faq/hextorgb.htm---Typography Related Links---
>http://practicaltypography.com/>https://www.typewolf.com/---Old Thread---