Quoted By:
Had a great day with family. A lot of fun, a lot of laughs, and a family member that was a little bit out of the picture has voluntarily and happily returned, too.
Around non-family, I have problems with anxiety. Some things are easy -- listening, eye contact, picking up social cues, -- but I still feel tense, uncomfortable, and my brain feels much worse. It feels like I think much more slowly and unless I have notes I always forget topics that I want to bring up, even if I remind myself a million times beforehand. But I've been improving. I've been getting practice, going outside of my comfort zone, expanding my limits.
Even though I knew the time and effort with family today also helps with the anxiety, I'm proud that I didn't think about it too much during the day. I stayed in the moment, talking and laughing with family, enjoying our time together. I've heard a lot of successful people assert and explain how the ability to live in the present moment is a critical skill for success.
I'm excited about my future prospects, but I'm also grateful and happy for today's time with family.
I'm keenly aware:
Someday, these will be the good old days.