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Lol this thread is making me cry from laughing. (No IRL it's just a smirk). By the rate of assumptions you two are making, allow me to let you know that I am god and own all the photos in the world, and outside it too.
I wonder if you people understand concepts like rationality and science in adequate depth.
While agreeing with the point that having anything organized is easier to manage than otherwise, I cannot dismiss the fact that such a huge number of wallpapers find little use (as it is unlikely for each picture to be viewed multiple times by a single mentally healthy person).
I would also propose that most likely the picture was shown to WOW everyone. At least I felt so, based on the fact that there is a property description with what looks like irrelevant information (for instance the size of the folder being 137gb which has nothing to do with the organizational nature of the shown files).
>TL;DR: get a life and learn science