I mash other wallpapers up into new wallpapers.
>>68709799/10 pretty perf
>>68711357/10 nice font
>>68716058/10 I dun geddit
>>687161110 nicely stretched
>>68716414 No real reason
>>68718617 nice and simple
>>68737508 can smell the effort put in
>>68737536 I dont know what this is from
>>68737686 great style, but the lighting and contrast are both too low
>>68737697 id give it a 10 but the blur kills it for me
>>687377010 perfect level of irony
>>68738086 I hate overwatch but thats pretty good
>>68738976 The analogue blur kills it for me
>>68739528 would be a 10 but the font isnt to my liking
>>68739734 Hate rust
>>68739776 again dont like the font
>>687400210/10 saved perfect we're done here
>>68740847 its good but ive never played starfox
>>68741324, 12 year old manlet meme
>>68741459/10 saved, awesome style and gradients
>>687536410 wasnt expecting it, saved
>>68756637 the contrasting colours dont do it for me, maybe red grey, white and black?
>>68759108 its really great but I hate the resolution
>>68764746 I know the image this is from, take away the red shapes, use content aware to remove the roof and I'd consider this a 10
>>687747110/10 saved
>>6879355>>6879356I saw you in the other thread
>>6879355This is a 6, I dont speak the language and the pattern covering the background image bothers me, without the background pattern itd be a 9
>>687935610/10 I love this one, I just wish it were in a better res