>>8079937A lot of the things you're saying echo the kind of things the girl ive started seeing have said.
We're both christians and saving ourselves for marriage. I know those kinds of people are rare to find, and I feel lucky to have found someone pure, but really it's more for her sake than mine. Virginity is weird like that, it seems like the most important thing in the world both to keep and get rid of.
I really recommend you try dating but keep sex off the table for later if you care about it, and know that just by caring deeply about it that shows a moral fiber that is very admirable. That's whats most important, to me as a man anyway, more than virginity itself specifically. But, don't let worrying about being dumped discourage you from dating. Keep the dating casual till you're married or feel ready. If things go wrong after that, it may hurt more, but from the moral perspective of purity you've done nothing wrong. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, especially if your intentions were good all along.
Godspeed anon, I wish you the best
>>8081577lovely anon, as a teenager my dad and I lived in an old house he bought when I was 14. Fond memories of renovating and working on it together, he taught me everything I know about carpentry and electrical work.