I scrapped
>>6798804 Haven't looked back, I like this one a whole lot more. Still a WIP though. Any thoughts? Still working on where to put weather and battery info.
>>6800266 4/10 I don't understand the appeal of all text information. Just put in some damn numbers.
>>6800281>>68002908.5/10 Pretty similar to your habanero-chan one but still pretty good as a setup. Love your work by the way, I follow your stuff on DA. Even took some inspiration from one of your things.
>>68002832/10 It's like staring at the void. Add stuff.
>>68003646/10 I love the art direction of that game. Really plain however, I would love to see some cool interface or bg scroll actions and animations.
>>68003773/10 Stolen wallpaper/10. You better have some small ass fingers for those icons mate. Only put some most used ones on your main screen and then add some of the other stuff into folders on a different screen.
>>68004167/10. can't really say much about it. A little boring. I would say add some cool animations but with the setup I don't think you can really do anything that flashy.
>>68006195/10 Icons are too small and you should get rid of the dock to stay consistent with icons. Don't really like the pape either, too much is going on.
>>68006666/10. Eh. I never understand the appeal of minimalists like this. It's alright I guess, nothing spectacular.
>>6800677>>68010106.5/10. r8 to be r8'd is rule numero uno. It's a pretty plain format that about 80% of this general uses.
>>68008802/10 Is this like a failed attempt at a vaporwave setup.
>>6800976>>68009774/10 Eh, I just don't like it for some reason. Plain, nothing stands out in particular.
>>68010235/10 Looks interesting, and has potential. Make your text bigger. I like your color scheme though.
>>6801340>>6801400>>6801423>>6801558>>6801691>>6801705>>6801827Some ya'll niggas need to learn to r8 in order to be r8'd