I will polish my animations, eventually...
>>6976431Boring stock look
>>6976434Fluid animations, Nice
>>6976439Is alright
>>6976440Make the icons roll and rotate with screen swipe or something and replace them with a new set of icons / apps
Could work for the left side as well but with maybe date and battery
>>6976459Empty like my life, but i like it this way
>>6976486Boring stock
>>6976490Only thing i will complain about is the unnecessary resolution
>>6976498>>6976499>>6976609>>6976622>>6976628Boring or stock or even both. Try again
>>6976689Stock but i like it
>>6976692Not this tho
>>6976737Are you hiding something anon?
>>6976739I haven't seen it before but looks promising. Record the animations for newfriends
>>6976778Looks great, might be my favorite ITT and i might copy you someday...
>>6976928Interesting. I definitely like it.