If you mean that you would like to change every single .exe icon from their default (e.g. utorrent logo), then I'm reasonably sure you might be able to use regedit to alter the default icon similar to this:
http://www.sevenforums DOT com SLASH tutorials/23825-folder-icon-change-windows-7-default-folder-icon.html
maybe regedit doesn't exist for Windows 8, I'm not sure about that though.
Another way you might be able to try is to go into the programs root files and delete/replace the source of the icon file to whatever you want but with the same name.
Google around more and try to open up Windows 8, it's a piece of shit but it'll become easier to find programs that do this sought of thing over time.
Also, bumping with double/triple wallpapers. If you want to 'pay' me or whatever if I helped you, then bump this thread with triple/double wp's