Hey there /wg/! Glad to see we've gotten threads in order around here! Anyways, let's get down to the stars of this thread!
>>5386685 :: Phew, forgot to check here! I got my song lyrics for the day, just in time! Beautiful as always Rodney.>>5386673 :: Glad to see someone else emulating and looking good while doing it! I love it Zain! Nice team by the way. Gotta get yourself a Ralts though!>>5386667 :: I can never know if you are the HDNI that makes everyone look the same, or if you are one of them! But, you are great at this whole ricing thing. Rootbeer I tell you!>>5386550 :: Gotta change that color scheme man! Looks beautiful, but too close to Mono's! >>5386466 :: Vix. So great. But, as funny as that wall is, I gotta suggest a new one.>>5386438 :: I love your green theme so much more! It's beautiful!>>5386400 :: Yogurt, looking slick! I love the light orange!