I have this screen and one with my firefox that i'll link later. took me quite a while to learn how to use blackbox4windows, but the end result turned out nice I think.
>>6217072You need to do something besides changing the wallpaper: try harder / 10
>>6216652Icon colors don't quite match the wallpaper but its not too bad: 6/10
>>6216124This looks pretty nice, but in a use case scenario it'd be confusing for me: 7/10
>>6215999The background colors don't match anything in the wallpaper. everything looks out of place to me
>>6215901Do something about the status bar at the bottom, minimize the widgets and icons at the top and you'll have yourself something good. 7/10
>>6215450I agree with
>>6215812>>6215290I really don't like this at all. nothing goes together, it;s just a mismatch of things. 3/10
>>6215030Do you need 2 status bars? Other than that, get rid of desktop icons and its not terrible. 6/10 without desktop icons
>>6214679This looks really nice! maybe try centering the tray icons, and see how that looks? 8/10
>>6213049Visual style doesn't go with the wallpaper, but if you change that, it'd look even better than it does now. 7/10
>>6213038Nothing blends with itself / 10
>>6211383You have a lot going on in this. Make the statusbar match the theme of the wallpaper or make it more subdued so it doesn't take the attention away from it. Also, minimize that side bar as much as you can. 6/10
>>6210847We have the same visual style.... It looks pretty good. 7 /10
I tried to get everyone who didn't have a rate a decent way back, because I hate it when I leave something here and nobody rates it.